Costa Rica

Updates from our suppliers on Coronavirus impact

Updates from our suppliers on Coronavirus impact

We think it’s important to keep you informed on the Coronavirus' effects on La Minita’s coffee suppliers and their operations as coffee supply may be affected as we move further into the year. Here is an update from the end of April, 2020. We will continue to provide news from origin as we receive it.

Costa Rica Hacienda Rio Negro 2019/20 Forecast

Costa Rica Hacienda Rio Negro 2019/20 Forecast

As much as we’re expecting a heavy production year at La Minita this harvest, we are expecting much the same at Hacienda Rio Negro. The flowering there was also very nice and even, and heavier than usual. The weather has been cooperative and the fruit has been maturing well. We are not expecting a record year in 19/20, but a close second to our top year of 2011.