
Updates from our suppliers on Coronavirus impact

Updates from our suppliers on Coronavirus impact

We think it’s important to keep you informed on the Coronavirus' effects on La Minita’s coffee suppliers and their operations as coffee supply may be affected as we move further into the year. Here is an update from the end of April, 2020. We will continue to provide news from origin as we receive it.

Atipanaku Peru Microlot Competition

Atipanaku Peru Microlot Competition

Last fall, we were lucky to take part in a first of its kind grassroots competition for high end Peruvian microlots. The competition was called Atipanaku, which is Quechua for “competition”, and it was conceived of by a group of Peruvian coffee producers. They wanted a way to recognize producers that were making excellent coffees, but at very small volumes that were sometimes lost in the mix with larger lots.