Sao Paulo

Juarez Colatino Barros

Paraná | Brazil

Juarez Colatino Barros is part of the COANOP Cooperative of smallholder farmers.

Here is Juarez’s story in his own words:

“My name is Juarez Colatino Barros, I grew up helping my parents Noel and Maria Barros in the coffee field. At the age of 12 I remember waking up very early to help them on the coffee harvest….

Dulcineia dos Santos

Paraná | Brazil

Dulcineia is part of the Mataõ Women In Coffee project. Mataõ is a remote region in southern Brazil and the group formed to support these women’s efforts to run a portion of their family farm with a focus on quality instead of quantity. The group’s coffees have won competition accolades but the best part might be that they have made their husbands jealous with the premium pricing and recognition they have received.

Eloir Inocencia Nogueira

Paraná | Brazil

Eloir is part of the Mataõ Women In Coffee project. Mataõ is a remote region in southern Brazil and the group formed to support these women’s efforts to run a portion of their family farm with a focus on quality instead of quantity. The group’s coffees have won competition accolades but the best part might be that they have made their husbands jealous with the premium pricing and recognition they have received.