
Costa Rica

Central America

Costa Rican coffees are among the world’s best. Dramatic mountain ranges with high elevations steer the ocean breezes and rain clouds, young volcanic soil provides the medium for coffee trees, and dedicated farmers tend their fields and manage the health and harvest of the coffee fruit.

Coffee is generally traded in cherry form in Costa Rica, so every afternoon and evening during harvest the roads are packed with coffee trucks, loaded with freshly picked cherries, traveling from farm to receiving station and receiving station to mill. In the heart of the harvest, trucks roll into mills all through the night and into the early morning.

Our history as a company begins in the Tarrazú Mountains, and Costa Rica feels like home. In addition to our large farms La Minita, La Pradera, and Rio Negro, we manage two complete wet and dry mills, fed by 30 of our own purchasing/receiving stations, where we buy coffee fruit from over 1,000 farmers each year! Based on coffee cherry volumes from our own farms we are the second largest farming operation in the country. Our focus continues to be on top quality in everything we do: we are demanding about ripe cherry, meticulous about a clean mill, and uncompromising on cup quality. Every year we have a wide selection of coffee from small farms and large, from RFA certified producers, specially processed coffees from partner micro-mills and special varietal selections and processes from our own mill.

Costa Rica Green Coffee Offerings