
Central America

Honduras enjoys similar geographical coffee producing advantages as its Central American neighbors—sufficient elevation, young volcanic soils, adequate rainfall, and until recently well-defined growing seasons.

What Honduras has lacked in the past that has kept it from better coffee production has been infrastructure. Plenty of great coffee grows in Honduras, but much of the best coffee is routinely homogenized into more generic lots.

In this regard, difficulties with proper access to processing equipment and the knowledge to run it, issues with transportation due to poor road maintenance and regular transportation schedules, and overall less than stellar management of quality separation at the mill and exporting levels are all contributing factors. The cooperative system has helped improve this, and stronger management at many of the country’s coffee-producing cooperatives means better identification and separation of higher quality lots. Better management of the marketing of Honduran coffees is slowly rebuilding the country’s coffee-producing reputation.

La Minita works with a small group of Honduran cooperatives who provide both conventional and FTO coffees.

Honduras Green Coffee Offerings